Ftl Weapons Tier List
Every ship in FTL can become strong eventually with the right weapons and upgrades, just as every civilization can become powerful in the Civ games, and every champion can dominate in League of Legends with enough gold. The purpose of a tier list is not to discuss what could potentially happen, but rather to evaluate relative strength in a vacuum. Layout B - earn 2 of the 3 ship related Achievements to unlock, Layout C - reach sector 8 with Layout B and Advanced Mode enabled to unlock. Compared to normal ships. A rather brilliant strategy, if you have the patience, is to hack the oxygen then follow up with Lanius members occupying the oxygen room, who will then destroy the system. To unlock the third layout (Layout C) of any ship. Aug 07, 2020 I may make some changes to formatting and maybe add some ways to take into account some of those other variables, but we now have an FTL Weapons Tier list! GG, cookie time! - Watch live at https.
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Ftl Weapon Tier List
If you can survive long enough to get shields from a store and power ahead with additional weapons, you're normally set for the rest of the game.
The ship does have two other advantages going for it. Thus, it is a good strategy to destroy or weaken the shields with burst lasers, bombs, ion weapons or missiles and then firing the heavy laser.
Flaks are a weapon which fires debris in a circular area (showed in red). The Zoltan A also starts out with a Zoltan Shield, the game's best augment. If an ion blast hits a shielded ship, it will apply ion damage to the shield system. I guess the slimy aliens don't think they need them.) If you have a couple of Crystal Burst (either Mark I or II), consider firing your crystal weapons at the shield room, then use your other laser weapons. Ships with the Rock Plating augment may still resist the damage.
I cannot overstate how nasty this is.
My experience with FTL has taught me that reliable offensive is the most important thing to have in winning the game. The Crystal B Cruiser is the single strongest ship in FTL.
At the very least, the player can save scrap and see if any weapons turn up, then invest his or her funds as needed. The Mark III's advantage is that it only takes a single weapon slot, but the Mark II is widely considered one of the best weapons in the game. Overall Ranking: 10/28 This is a ship with a high skillcap to use; the player will not be able to brute force his or her way through battles. MY IGNORE LIST (mostly OT and PWB): bit.ly/Zw9Rio Add them to yours as well and help starve the trolls. are still as important as ever. No, the ship doesn't have that either. The first upgrade on the Stealth C should always be to the Drone Control system, taking it to level 3 so that the player can run the Shield Drone and the Antidrone at the same time. Meanwhile, weapons that can cause breaches have added effectiveness against AI rebel ships and an AI-controlled rebel flagship, as they are unable to autorepair any system with a breach. If the enemy has a Zoltan Shield, it is wise to use your ion weapons first as they deal double damage, but keep in mind that ion damage will affect the shield system if it destroys the Zoltan shield.
It may not seem like a big boost but they stack, and with a couple of them you can ionise ships even without very good ion weapons (say one or two ion burst 1s). Pokemon X FC: 3394-3550-1578 Trainer Name: Max. They share extremely short cooldowns and deal excellent early game damage when used correctly. The boarding ships with a Teleporter don't get extra weight because of their ability to rack up a higher in-game score (although I have indeed factored in the additional scrap and other rewards that they can reap from boarding). With all those Mantis crewmembers and the Small Bomb, the Mantis A is set up about as well as possible for a boarding ship that lacks a four-tile Teleporter. Strictly average. All of the normal systems are present and begin at the default levels. Step 3: ???? Low power battles or other environmental hazards can be similarly horrendous.
The Minibeam has the advantage of a fast cooldown time (12 seconds) and the ability to set fires while dealing damage. However, if you plan to use beam weapons to take out a ship (or also if using the Anti-Bio Beam to kill the crew, or the Fire Beam to destroy enemy systems and crew), firing crystal weapons first is a better idea.
Versus a bunch of Basic Lasers? If you've never interacted much with the wider FTL community, the Engi A is typically regarded online as a top tier ship.
The Artillery Beam will completely ignore shields, and it can be an effective strategy to ignore standard weapons and rely on the beam to deal damage. If you happen to love the boarding style of gameplay, then the Mantis B will likely be the top ship in this tier for you. While it wouldn’t be horrible in the early sectors, the late sector enemies usually have three, four, or even occasionally five shield layers and would require multiple hits to the shield room for the weak beam to work.
Rock A is therefore very much a low-tier ship that avoids the bottom of the barrel by virtue of becoming decent once the starting weapons are completely replaced. Don't be thrown off by the unassuming nature of these two weapons. Strengths: Teleporter
I always try to replace them as soon as possible with lasers or flak when I use this ship.
Adding on to this oddity, Rock B is the only ship that lacks any outside hatches to vent the ship of oxygen. Modified projectile weapons that fire shield piercing crystals. Well, Zoltan C has the same basic offensive gameplay, but with a much weaker/slower-firing ion weapon (Ion Charger instead of Ion Blast II) and an inferior type of drone (Beam Drone instead of Combat Drone). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As the 'Stealth' name implies, the Stealth A and Stealth B both start the game with a Cloaking system already installed.
Both defense drones and shields can stop their shots. The Swarm Missile will most likely be a useful early game damage complement, and then get replaced as soon as something better turns up. And even if you do find something useful, Federation C starts with the level 1 'weak' weapons that cost a one-time 40 scrap payment just to reach level 2. On the Zoltan C, however, virtually everything can send this ship into a spiral of doom. Missile weapons just aren't very good in FTL. This ship is right on the border between Tier 4 and Tier 5. Losing either one of weapons or drones will make the ship unable to deal any damage, since the Zoltan C is reliant on both the Ion Charger and the Beam Drone for attack. These are the kind of ships that need good luck in random drops or a series of upgrades just to hit the same power point where many of the other ships begin the game. Stealth C is a fun ship to use if you can pull it off successfully.
Why use crystals after regular lasers?
At least the Stealth B does have Long Range Scanners to pilot around them.
It makes intuitive sense that the ranking system would approximate a normal distribution, and here we're sitting solidly in the fattest part of the bell curve. Shields, engines, weapons, crew, etc. On the Zoltan C, spending that scrap simply allows the ship to avoid being completely helpless once the Backup Battery wears out. Lasers, ion bolts, flak debris, crystals, asteroids, drones, hacking drones, and missiles can collide in space, destroying each other. The Kestrel A is the default starting ship in FTL, which means that it's fairly basic in its setup. I have no idea why they did that; it's way more power than the ship needs, and represents 65 extra scrap that the player doesn't have to spend later. The weapons are above average, the crew is excellent, and so on. Overall then, Mantis A is a fairly mediocre ship which is heavily reliant on its Teleporter to make any headway. The Flak Artillery on the Federation C is therefore far inferior to the normal Artillery Beam, and practically useless until the ending parts of the game.
Even with poor RNG luck, some of those shots are going to get through.
Regular lasers don't do any extra damage and only have a slight chance of causing a fire. The problem is that those 'right conditions' don't happen that often, especially on Hard difficulty where all of the enemy ships have higher evade and stronger weapons. Unlike the other ships placed above the Kestrel C on this tier list, the ship gets basically nothing to compensate for these weapons. Unlike the rest of its breathren, the Stealth C also has no Cloaking unit either.
Since your crew keeps dying and coming back to life repeatedly, they never pick up enough combat experience to level up their melee skills either. Along similiar lines, creating a breach (with a weapon like the breach bomb) and following up with a Lanius boarding party will quickly deplete the oxygen in the room. Weaknesses: No Systems or Augments, Lowest Total Scrap Value of Design. The Kestrel B is therefore one of the strongest DEFENSIVE ships in the early going, as the ship is very good at taking out enemy weapons before they even get to fire.
I don't think it's quite as bad as my bottom three ships, but this one certainly isn't very good. If the beam damage is more than 1, you can still fire through certain enemy shields without getting the full damage effect. The Dual Laser is the only better 1 power weapon, but it has a rarity of 0. Bombs deal no hull damage, but can damage or disrupt enemy systems and crew.
I was inspired by the weapon tier list so I wanted to put together what I thought of the augmentations as I stand right now. Rock C has the odd starting weapon pairing of a Heavy Crystal and Swarm Missiles.
This is different from the Stealth ships, which lack a Shield system entirely and must find one in a store, but the Zoltan B has to pay a one-time penalty of 100 scrap to upgrade the shields to level 2. Engi C only has a Dual Laser for weaponry, which isn't that bad given that it's 2 shots for 1 weapons power on a short cooldown. A boarding ship that may never be able to board anyone makes for a bit of a sad puppy. This bomb typically takes some good micromanagement to set up an effective shot, although stunning enemy crew in the same room with an oxygen-draining Lanius can work decently on its own merits. One of the understated benefits of the Zoltan B is the ease of training up your weapons crewmember; those Ion Blasts have a very short cooldown, and the weapons guy will be racking up the experience very quickly. Better to upgrade the Cloning Bay and reduce the risk of a stray shot knocking it offline. The Dual Laser can be a good option when combined together with other weapons or systems, since it fires 2 shots for 1 weapon power, however on the Federation B there's little to help it deal damage. This thing requires three weapon power and fires an ion shot every 4 seconds; I believe it's the fastest non-Vulcan firing rate in the game.
(Spoiler: it doesn't always go well.) Your best hope with Rock A is to hit a store before the end of the first sector, tear out the starting weapons, and replace them with something more practical.
Create a FTL:AE Weapons Tier List tiermaker.com Pikelet said: The final boss is pretty much just too hard, and requires you to pursue one of a small number of viable builds in order to beat it. Federation B is another ship where finding an early weapon to complement the Dual Lasers can make a massive difference. Every 1 point of system damage from a weapon deals 15 damage to a crewman. If the ship has a level 3 cockpit, the ship can still dodge even when reduced to a level 2 (a level 1 cockpit only helps if its being manned; not repaired, and a unmanned level 1 or destroyed cockpit means the ship can't dodge). Overall Ranking: 15/28
Intel pro wireless 3945abg driver windows 10. It's true that there's no direct way to deal damage, and even after the player comes across weapons, there's that one-time 40 scrap penalty to take the weapons system to level 2.
I'd argue that the early game nature of the weapons aren't the real weakness of this ship, as FTL is like Civilization or Master of Orion where snowballing from a strong early game is extremely important. And we haven't even discussed the reliance on using Zoltans to provide power - all of the power calculations above assumed that three Zoltans would be providing power to systems at all times. The Advanced Edition also added more total systems in the form of Hacking, Mind Control, the Backup Battery, etc. If you want to use the ion damage to stun a system, then shoot your other weapons first to allow your ion laser to get past the shields.
Unlike the other Federation ships, Federation C fires Flak Artillery when fully charged instead of a beam weapon. When that thing goes on cooldown, you can choose one of two options. The Zoltan Shield is the best augment in the game, and it's a critical component of this ship's setup. Most beams are unable to damage ships until other weapons first take out their shields. I believe that the Zoltan A is the strongest ship in this tier.
Tier List Maker
Ftl Advanced Edition Weapon Tier List
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